Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Act Three Prediction

I predict that in Act 3 of All My Sons Joe Keller will have to come clean about his faking sick to prevent the bankruptcy of the business when it produces faulty plane parts that they ship to the army (which led to the deaths of 21 men in the army), to George and Ann. Ann will probably be very upseand react sort-of like Chris did, and George will be cocky and say "I told you so", also he may insist on Joe Keller's arrest and a statement from him that clears Joe's father of all charges against him. The family will be ripped aprat and Kate may even carry out her threat to kill herself as a reaction to this sudden turmoil in the family(???) Chris and Ann will most likely move away with George and Keller will end up in jail in place of Ann's father.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


On tuesday in class we discussed different forms of cheating and we made a tree graph seperating the forms of cheating into 6 categories: Business, Sports, Education, Taxes, and Other. Here are some examples we gathered for each category...
Business- World Con and Enron, Limewire, Nepotism, and Martha Stewart
Sports- Barry Bonds, Marion Jones, Floyd Landis, corked baseball bats, and weighted dice
Education- plagiarism, copying home work, scholastic dishonesty, disability fraud, picture messaging, faking sick, and the list goes on.
Taxes- Leona Helmsley, illegal bank accounts, and babysitting
Other- video cameras in movie theaters, illegal immigration, and fake ID's
It's amazing how much cheating goes on in the world, this list is just the tip of the ice-berg.

Outside Reading

Well I've finished Eclipse, so now I'm re-reading Twilight. I forgot how good Twilight is, I think that it's better than Eclipse. What's happening in Twilight right now is Bella is just starting school in Forks. She is lab partners with Edward, who she thinks hates her. She is fascinated with the entire Cullen family, having never seen such beautiful people in her whole life. Bella makes friends with Jessica and Mike, who she finds overly helpful. Grateful to be accepted at once into her new school, Bella finds it ahrd to stay focused in biology while sitting next to Edward. Charlie, Bella's dad, buys Bella an old truck, whcih she falls in love with immediately, even with its roaring engine and chipped paint. That's really all that's happened so far in Twilight.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

400 Blows

This week in class we watched The 400 Blows, a memoir on the childhood of a boy named Antoine. Personally, I thought the movie was pointless and a waste of time. There was absolutely no morals and Antoine didn't develop at all through out the movie. The story line wasn't at all interesting or attention grabbing and I was bored the whole time. In my Review on The 400 Blows, I mention what makes the movie a bad movie. For the era it was filmed in, the camera effects were alright, but they could've been better. The actors were the only good component to the film. Each actor/actress played his/her role very well, and each fitted their roles very well. For instance the actress that played the mother of Antoine was very good in her role. She looked the part, she played the part, and she just stood out to me as a wonderful actress. However, the movie as a whole, was not worthwhile to my learning experience and wasn't entertaining either.

Eclipse Update

The brutal fight where the vampires and the werewolves were an alliance left Jacob severely wounded. While trying to protect someone in his pack from an angry newborn, Jacob gets attacked and goes unconcious. After the fight, which was a victory for the vampire-werewolf alliance, Carlisle (Edward's "dad") tends to Jacob's wounds. He infers that, because of Jacob's rapid healing power, he will make it. A couple days after the fight with the newborns from Seattle, Bella visits Jacob at his home where he is resting. They talk about how Bella really does love Jacob, but she could never live with out Edward, so she makes her decision. Though she loves Jacob with all of her heart, she knows what it is like without Edward and she knows she could never endure the absense of Edward from her life again. Jacob is heart broken, but he told Bella he would wait for her as long as it took...even if she was a vampire by then.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


For my memoir I chose to write about my first time skiing in the mountains. We went to Vail, Colorado when I was 10 years old and I could not contain my excitement. Here's a paragraph from my Memoir...
"The way they dazzled in the morning light, looking so strong and yet tranquil at the same time. By eight o’ clock we were riding the gondola up the steep slopes of the mountain. I thought the gondola ride was almost over at every peak, only to discover that over each peak was more mountain stretching up and up until it was obscured by the morning sun. After what seemed like hours, we reached the end of the gondola. Before I clicked into my skis I took in the overwhelming landscape. I felt higher than anything in the world. Mountains stretched for miles in every direction, their tops glistening with radiantly white snow. The soft breeze whistled past my ears and lightly chilled my entire body. The freshly groomed snow crunched as my skis glided over it. Skiing always brought a sense of freedom to me. I could not be any happier as I raced down the sparkling slope. Skiing, especially in Vail, never got old. In fact, it almost got more and more exciting with each run. Our two families spent most of the morning on the easier slopes, in other words the green circle and blue square marked runs. For lunch we gathered in the lodge and ate our fill of hot chilli and steaming hot chocolate. "

Outside Reading Update

A lot has happened since I last blogged about Eclipse. The mysterious killings in Seattle are raising concern in the Cullen household. The number of murdered victims is getting higher each day and the Cullens believe that its something far more frightening than just a crazy serial killer. They believe that someone is trying to bulid up an army of newborn vampires in Seattle, which would explain the out-of-control killings. See, newborn vampires have basically no control over their actions. They are extremely strong and powerful but they don't know how to best use their powers, nor how to manage their thirst. All these vampires think about is when they can feed next, it doesn't matter who they feed off of just as long as their ravaging thirst can be quenched. Bella comes to the conclusion that the mysterious visitor in her room, the newborns in Seattle, and Victoria, who is determined to avenge her partner James are all some how connected. Then Alice, Edward's sister, has a vision of the newborns coming to Forks...one of them carrying Bella's red sweater, that went missing after her "visitor" came to call. Will it be war??? Meanwhile, Jacob has confessed to Bella that he loves her. Now Bella must make an incredibly tough decision...Jacob or Edward, werewolf or vampire???