Sunday, September 30, 2007

Most Embarrassing Moment

On firday in class we had to write for "friday free write" about a cirnge-worthy moment in our lives. This was my embarrassing moment:
I was in seventh grade and I was on the EHS swim team. The day came for our first meet, so, naturally, I was very nervous. My coach had put me in the 100yd breaststroke, an event I had never swam before. Though I had had previous experience with swimming (I had swam for Edina Country Club since age 9), it was never events over 50yds in length. My best event was the 50yd breaststroke. Anyways the time came when the official said, "Ladies step up." (that means to step up on to the blocks). I was shaking with adrenaline because I really wanted to impress my new teamates and coaches. The buzzer sounded and I leaped from the block. I hit the water surging with energy, telling my body to go faster. At the 25yd mark I could see that I was quite far ahead, this got me excited and all I could think about was finishing in first place. I could see the wall, I was almost there... Yes! I finished hard into the wall and slowly climbed out of the pool. Then horror struck me as I watched all the other girls turn at the wall to finish the race...I had only done 50yds, half of the race. Words cannot describe my embarrassment that day.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Outside Reading Update: Eclipse

So as of right now I am on page 78 of the book Eclipse. Jacob still isn't speaking to Bella, but she still has her soul mate Edward. Sadly, however, Edward and Jacob are arch enemies because Edward is a vampire and Jacob is a werewolf. Edward and Bella take a short vacation to visit Bella's mom in Florida, though Edward has to stay out of the sun because when you are a vampire your skin glitters abnormally in direct sunlight. Charlie, Bella's dad still acts coldly towards Edward. (He will never forgive him for leaving Bella in New Moon and causing her months of extreme depression.) When I left off Jacob was coming to Bella's school to warn her about something Edward never told her. I predict some sort of fight is going to break out in public between Edward and Jacob, and Bella will have to make a decision of who's side she is on...her soul mate or her best friend?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Black Boy

I feel like we always read depressing books in Language Arts. I don't really care, but I have noticed a trend. So far Black Boy is pretty good, although there are some parts where I have to re-read the paragraphs over and over because I'll read it once and have no idea what he just said. Richard is a very violent child and he gets into trouble quite often. I find it interesting how different the forms of punishment were back then to how they are now. My parents would never physically hurt me as a form of punishment, they would ground me or take away something. I also feel that its sort of unfair that they whip richard for some of the stuff he does. I mean he's just a kid and kids make mistakes that's how they learn. Anyways, i think the book is pretty good as far as school books go, but it still doesn't beat To Kill a Mockingbird, which is my favorite so far.

Outside reading (Quarter One)

The book I have decided to read for outside reading is called Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. It is the third book in a series. I have read the first two and absolutely LOVED them. They are called Twighlight and New Moon. The plot is kind of hard to explain, and it sounds like a very strange book, but it's not. This girl named Bella moves to Forks, a very small town where it always rains. In Forks Bella discovers an ancient secret that changes her life forever. It all starts when she falls in love with Edward Cullen, who has a secret of his own...that he is a vampire. Oh yeah, and in the second book she learns that her best friend, Jacob, is a werewolf. I know it sounds strange but these are some of the best books I've ever read. They are full of action, danger, romance, and suspense...they're basically just really good books.

Monday, September 17, 2007


This is a test post to see if it works.